The (so-called) XBHS Jam Band II  

The 60 PARTY (Retrospective)

Proud Lake State Recreation Area

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Noon to 6:00

** A Re-Gathering **
** A Cooperative Event **

  60 Party Group Photo near end of event  

 Pages and links


60 Party Pictures! (main index page) 

This page includes links to a couple index pages of pictures from the 60 Party. 


Thanks, Dave, for providing your cool pictures!!

If anyone would like any pictures removed for any reason, please (contact us).   

Below are links to index pages of pictures, by photographer, and/or event (and a few experiments; please let (SG) know if anything doesn't work very well.  (The composite photos are large and slow to open.)

Great pic, Dave! For Dave A's 60 Party pictures:  (click/press here or on the picture to the left...)
Dave and Waz watching/listening to the XBHS Jam Band II For Steve G's 60 Party pictures (with the size probably still way too big...sorry):  (click/press here or on the picture to the left...)
Experimental collage of all of Dave's pics To the left is a link to an experimental, computer-randomly-generated collage of Dave A's 60 Party pictures (it is also now the background on the index page for the pictures Dave took): Click here for an experimental collage of Dave's photos...
Experimental collage #1, all SG pics To the left is a link to an experimental, computer-randomly-generated collage of SG's 60 Party pictures (it is also now the background on the index page for the pictures SG took): Click here for an experimental collage of SG's photos...

[f there are any pictures that you don't like of you or think anyone might not like a photo of them, please please (click "contact us").]

(If, by good fortune, anyone has cool photos they would like to add, please arrange to email them to (SG) (and/or click "contact us"). [Photos posted on FB are laborious (at best) to download, and that hasn't been completed to date, although there are some nice ones there! (See FB Group Page.)  More can be added later, as/if they become available.]