50 Party, "XBHS Jam Band I"  

The 55 Party! 

Kensington Park

July 31, 2010

** A Cooperative Event **

** Retrospective **

  55 Party Group shot  

 Pages and links  


The 55 Party (2010) (main page)

2014 Note:  This Page [and its Content Pages (see tabs to left)] was created after the 55 Party, to provide pictures, music and videos taken at the event. It also include a page of pictures from the 50 Party (from 2004).

The 55 Party was held July 31, 2010, at Kensington Park (Michigan).

This "55 Party" webpage provides links to photos kindly provided by several of the attendees, as well as audio and video recordings of the cool live music  from the event.

The Pictures! are organized by photographer, with a thumbnail/index page for each photographer's pictures. To go to the index page for the pictures (click/press here). (Following is a personal favorite...)

45+ year old friendships; lots of laughs all around...

Thanks very much to all who provided photos! 

Thanks also to James C, who kindly made a cool design for a shirt contemplated to be produced to commemorate the event, at least as a thank you to the performers...as follows:

Proposed XBHS Jam Band Shirt!

This website also includes some pages related to the musical performances at the gathering, by our friends from high school and beyond.  The very fine and kind performers included, chronologically, the Front Street Blues Band (including Greg Manning), Jan Krist (formerly Cutlip), and a pretty amazing jam band (referenced as the XBHS jam band, led by Rick S, with:  Jeff Grand; Mark, The PazMan; Tom H; Irv Hordes; Bob C, Greg, Claudette, and Dan F and Danny F). 

The Music! webpage has links to the performers websites, and links to three other pages, one dedicated to each of the sets of performers and their performances.  The pages include pictures and audience recordings of the music performed at the party.  Following is a link to the main page for The Music!

Jan was so nice for coming in from so far away...and she sounded great! To go to the main page for the music, which links to three additional pages specific to the three sets of performers at the party, including audio of the performances and limited video (click here or on the picture to the left).

Or, go directly to the pages for the musicians by clicking on the appropriate picture below...(cool the stuff you can do...)

  The Front Street Blues Band got the show goin'...  Jan was wonderful.  The XBHS Jam Band was a memorably successful adventure...

  The Front Street Blues Band                     Jan Krist                         The "XBHS" Jam Band

Thanks to all the performers and everyone; it was a great blast!!

[*FYI...the "55 Party" was a gathering of overlapping circles of old friends/families, at a very nice park, with an excellent buffet (with contributions by most everyone), and live music performed by numerous talented ex-BHS attendees (mosly from the classes of ~'72-'73).

This was a "Cooperative Event", with everyone widely spreading the load of preparing and bringing things on the day of the event.  It actually went amazingly well, thanks to everyone, with plenty of everything.  Thanks again to everyone for pulling in the same direction; it helped immensely!] Thanks to everyone who came long distances, and/or despite threat of rain... Thanks to everyone who brought food, beverages, ice and/or equipment and/or helped in various other ways. And, special thanks to Mother Nature for the great weather, in the face of predictions of far more rain than the ~5 pleasant drops most of us got.

Brian definitely worked an extended shift at the grill; thank you!!  Free stickers courtesy of Binky Studios (Jim Canfield)! PanCan contributions accepted...  There was also grilled chicken, various burgers, many sides, many beverages, lots of desserts; all quite excellent!

To keep in touch on future events of this nature, if you didn't get an email providing a link to this website please send your email address (click/press here to contact us). 

Nice to see you all!  QA/QC at the grill...very important!  view from the stage...

[BTW, up until recently (2015) the website capacity was too small to accomodate, at one time, all of the music videos available (because of that issue at the time that the website was issued for the 55 Party (retrospective), not all of the Front Street Blues Band performances were edited into individual videos (and that hasn't been completed even yet...Greg, should I?).  Also, the quality of the audience recordings has a wide range, and a variety of issues, but for the most part, they actually came out pretty dang well, under the circumstances... 

The music (audio and/or video) tracks can take a long time to load because the files are SO large, and people have different systems, etc.  Please let (us) know if you do have problems, and if so what kind of system you were using, phone, laptop, desktop, etc.

Hope you enjoy this stuff...! 


(For your convenience...following is another set of links to the various (55 Party mostly) pages, with photo pages organized by photographer/subject, etc.)

  <(Dave A's)>  <(Nancy's)>  <(Greg S's)> <(Brian S's)>  <(Greg/Claudette's)>  <(Diane/John's)>  <(Andrea S's)>  <(50 Party (2004))> 

   <(55 Party Music (index))>  <(Front Street Blues Band)>  <(Jan Krist)>  <(XBHS Jam Band)>  

 <(55 Party (main page))>  <(The 60 Party (index))>   <(Party Central (Home))>