50 Party, "XBHS Jam Band I"  

The 55 Party! 

Kensington Park

July 31, 2010

** A Cooperative Event **

** Retrospective **

  55 Party Group shot  

 Pages and links


The 55 Party Music! and Thanks! 

If it wasn't great enough that we had beautiful weather at this Kensington picnic, with lots of friends and food and fresh air, the party music was uniquely fun, featuring live performances by several of our ex-BHS friends.  The party shelter served as the stage area, protecting drums, amplifiers, wiring, etc., under threat of rain (and we only got a few drops, although/because we had set up a food tent just in case...). The performers were talented, diverse, sounded great and were greatly enjoyed!

This page provides links to access more information about them/their music.   If anyone has corrections/updates/comments about anything related to this, please (contact us)! 

The afternoon's outdoor music festival was a very cool happening.  Great thanks to Rick S for not only playing guitar and singing, but for providing the generator, organizing the Jam Band, and producing the show.  Great thanks to Greg M and his band members, the Front Street Blues Band, for not only performing, but bringing the PA system, too!  Special thanks to Jan Krist for heroically travelling great distances under significant fatigue to join us, and for winging it virtually solo but beautifully nonetheless.  Thanks to all of the "XBHS" Jam Band (or was it the Berkley Boys Bucket Band?) musicians, Jeff Grand, Rick S, Mark P, Greg Manning, Tom H, Irv Hordes, both Dan F's, Bob C, and Claudette!  (Was anyone omitted?)   

Hopefully, our friends listed below will either not mind or might like the links to their websites being provided here; after all, websites are for visiting.  If anyone would like anything removed or updated/improved, please (contact us).  In the spirit of fostering information flow, following are links to the musicians' websites, MySpace pages, etc, as available at this time:

Jan! For Jan Krist: (click for Jan Krist's website).
The Front Street Blues Band! For the Front Street Blues Band, including Greg Manning:  (click/press here or there for the Front Street Blues Band website);
Click here to go to Claudette's website For Claudette (click/press here or there for Claudette's website).
Click here to go to Jeff's MySpace site For Jeff Grand's MySpace site: (click/press here or there for Jeff's MySpace site).
Click here to go to the WRIF website For the WCSX website page for Mark P, the PAZMAN: (click/press here or there for The Paz's WRIF website).
Click here to go to the KUVO website For the website page about on-air talent for the Denver Public Radio Station (KUVO) where Dan F Jazz-DJs : (click/press here or there for the KUVO page with Dan's bio...and listen Thursday nights).

The links above were the best available at the time.  If you played at the party and would like information modified, added or removed, please help update! (You can initiate contact via this website (contact us), or by otherwise making contact.)  (In keeping with previous website policy, as a default, initials represent last names unless/until the specific person requests using the full last name. Feel free to make the request, if applicable, updating is easy.  Sorry for any inconvenience.)

Following are links to three pages with the music performed at the party, one for each set of musicians.  

Here are links to pages with the music, in chronological order. Just click on the underlined text or the following picture:

The Front Street Blues Band! The Front Street Blues Band's performance (click/press here to go to the FSBB page)
Jan! Jan Krist's performance (click/press here to go to the page for Jan)
XBHS! The XBHS Jam Band's performance (click/press here for the XBHS page)


(For your convenience...following is another set of links to the various (55 Party mostly) pages, with photo pages organized by photographer/subject, etc.)

  <(Dave A's)>  <(Nancy's)>  <(Greg S's)> <(Brian S's)>  <(Greg/Claudette's)>  <(Diane/John's)>  <(Andrea S's)>  <(50 Party (2004))> 

   <(55 Party Music (index))>  <(Front Street Blues Band)>  <(Jan Krist)>  <(XBHS Jam Band)>  

 <(55 Party (main page))>  <(The 60 Party (index))>   <(Party Central (Home))>